1. Complete the entry form online. (Please note: the NTA requires a submission fee of $30 per entry for publishers with 10 or fewer titles a year, $50 per entry for publishers with more than 10 titles a year). Submissions are open from mid-January to mid-March each year.
2. Send hard copies of the book(s) submitted to the judges requesting them. Upon completion of the submission, publishers will receive instructions for mailing print copies of submitted titles to those judges who request them. Please do not send hard copies of the book to ALTA directly. Books sent to ALTA will not be considered submitted for the award.
3. For the National Translation Awards in Prose and Poetry: If the book is selected to be on the longlist, ALTA will contact the publisher to request a copy of the original language text in digital form for review by our expert readers. Please be prepared to provide this.
This award recognizes works of poetry or prose published in the previous calendar year.
For books chosen by the judges for the NTA longlists, publishers will be asked to provide the original-language text in digital form; any longlisted title for which no original-language text is provided will be excluded from further consideration.
The National Translation Awards are governed by the policies and procedures set forth by the board of ALTA. Click the link to learn more about the judging process, grounds for disqualification, and conflicts of interest.
This award recognizes works of all genres published in the previous calendar year.
*Please note: Self-published books are not eligible. Chapbooks are not counted as full-length publications for this prize. Co-translations are not eligible; if a translator has previously published a co-translated book, their debut solo translation is eligible for this prize. Translators may have published other shorter literary works previously (such as in journals or anthologies); this prize is to honor a translator’s first book-length work.
This award recognizes works of prose (fiction or literary non-fiction) published in the previous calendar year.
This award recognizes works of poetry or source texts from Zen Buddhism published in the previous calendar year.
*Please note: While the Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize is primarily intended to recognize the translation of contemporary works, re-translations or first-time translations of important older works will also be seriously considered.
This award recognizes works of prose (literary fiction and nonfiction) published in the previous calendar year.
Submissions will be judged according to the literary significance of the original and the success of the translation in recreating the literary artistry of the original.
*Please note: While the IPTA is primarily intended to recognize the translation of contemporary works, re-translations or first-time translations of important older works will also be seriously considered.