Call for Papers: “Pseudotranslation and Metafictionality/Pseudo-traduction: enjeux métafictionnels”, special issue of Interférences littéraires (2016)

Call for Papers: “Pseudotranslation and Metafictionality/Pseudo-traduction: enjeux métafictionnels”, special issue of Interférences littéraires (2016)

This special issue investigates the autoreflexive and metafictional dimensions of pseudotranslation (original texts that present themselves as translations for a variety of reasons). Based in an aesthetic of imitation, pseudotranslations imply a critical function towards the (original and translated) literary production of a certain period. The imposture often involves an elaborate paratextual discourse that foregrounds the coded nature of translation and invites a critical interrogation of the expectations and presuppositions underlying that textual practice. At the same time, however, one also has to take into account the diegetic processes by means of which pseudotranslations interrogate the practices and (generic, institutional or other) modalities of fiction in general or (pseudo)translation in particular. Since pseudotranslation is an essentially transcultural phenomenon that presupposes a (imaginary) cultural transfer, the editors wish to include case studies from a wide variety of cultural and historical backgrounds.

We invite articles of 5000-7000 words in French, English, German or Dutch. Please send an abstract of max. 300 words and a short bio before 15 December 2015 to Beatrijs Vanacker ( and Tom Toremans ( Proposals will be selected before 1 January 2016 and deadline for submission of articles is 1 April 2016. All articles will be subjected to double peer review. Publication of the special issue is scheduled for November 2016.

A more elaborate CFP (in English and in French) can be found at

For questions, please contact