Call for Papers: Translation and Time: Exploring the Temporal Dimension of Cross-cultural Transfer

Call for Papers: Translation and Time: Exploring the Temporal Dimension of Cross-cultural Transfer

Largely overshadowed by the metaphor of space, the relation between translation and time/temporality remains surprisingly untheorized and understudied. Except for some isolated references (Cronin 2003; Baker 2006; Bassnett 2013), there has been no sustained engagement with the issue, let alone an attempt to do what Paul Ricoeur has done for narrative theory in his Temps et récit (1983). The aim of this conference, then, is to initiate a discussion about the many ways in which the theoretical and practical consideration of temporality may provide new insights and research directions for translation and interpreting studies.

Since this is the first conference of its kind, we offer the following list of possible topics, while at the same time welcoming papers that address other, relevant themes.
• Translation, censorship and time: delayed reception, false synchrony, temporal drag
• Translation and modernity / modernization
• Applying the concept of chronotope in translation and interpreting studies
• Translation, transgeneration, and the disruption of chrononormativity
• Periodization and translation history: whose time is it?
• Translation and metaphysics: sacred texts / sacred time
• Translatability and time
• Translation, time, and politics: translation among progressives; radicals, conservatives
• Neoliberalism and precarity of contemporary translation and interpreting
• Temporalities of translation and interpreting in crisis situations
• Temporalities of memory and trauma in translation and interpreting
• Time, migration, culture and identity
• Translating time / temporalities
• Temporal metaphors for translation
• Time in intersemiotic translation
• The issue of time in process-oriented research: pauses, fixation, etcetera
• Technology and the birth of new temporalities: in print, on air, on screen, on line
• Competing temporalities of source and target texts
• The future of translation and interpreting studies

Keynote speakers:
• Brian Baer, Ohio Kent State University
• Mona Baker, University of Manchester
• Sandra Bermann, Princeton University

8-10 December 2016
Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Proposals for individual papers (20 minute presentations) or panels (3-4 papers) should be submitted on or before 31 March to

To download forms from our website:

For questions, please contact Miranda Liu at