K1N Call for Translation Submissions

K1N Call for Translation Submissions

 K1N, the Literary Translation online magazine of the School of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Ottawa is now issuing a new call for papers for the 8th edition of K1N, planned for Spring 2016. Though they have had special thematic issues in the past, Spring 2016 welcomes any and all submissions of literary translation into French, English, Spanish or Portuguese. Translators are only asked to work from published works and submit translations that have not been published elsewhere. K1N does not publish scholarly articles on translation.
K1N would very much like to extend an invitation to any ALTA member to participate, and to submit work by December 30, 2015.
The submission guidelines are as follows:
  • Please send your translation (Word .doc or .docx) as well as the source text (.pdf preferred)
  • Include proof of permission (signed statement or forwarded e-mail message) from the rights holder(s) (publisher, author, estate, etc.) to publish the translation online
  • Include a brief biographical sketch of yourself and one of the author (maximum 50 words each)
  • Poetry submissions should not exceed two poems per original author and six poems per translator entrant
  • Fiction and literary non-fiction submissions may be up to 5000 words in length
  • Please double-space and format translations in Verdana font, size 11
  • Submissions must be sent by e-mail (include attachments) to contrib@k1nlitra.ca
  • Although K1N accepts simultaneous submissions, please inform the journal if you have submitted the same work to another journal and send a notification as soon as it is accepted for publication elsewhere.
Please see the website link to K1N (www.k1nlitra.ca) to view the last issue, and visit the submission page for more information. Please feel free to address any questions left unanswered to info@k1nlitra.ca, and your submissions to contrib@k1nlitra.ca.