Upcoming Write the World Panel: “What Publishers Want: How to Pitch, Present, and Promote Books,” sponsored by the Sheikh Zayed Book Award (SZBA)

Upcoming Write the World Panel: “What Publishers Want: How to Pitch, Present, and Promote Books,” sponsored by the Sheikh Zayed Book Award (SZBA)

Do you know how to pitch works in translation to publishers? Don’t miss your chance to find out! Get your ticket to attend the upcoming panel What Publishers Want: How to Pitch, Present, and Promote Books, sponsored by the Sheikh Zayed Book Award (SZBA), with Erin L. Cox, Michel Moushabeck, Laura K. Fish, and John Siciliano. 

Translators are often the first people to discover a compelling book in another language, but they may grapple with which steps they should take in order to pitch the project to a publisher. What should they present in order for the work to have the best chance of being accepted? And how should they best use their own networks to promote the work? In this panel, we talk with publishers about the process and how to help translators work with translation grants, build better publisher networks, and have better tools and strategies when reaching out to publishers.

This panel takes place from 1:00-2:15pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, May 21, as a part of Write The World, ALTA’s second annual day of virtual panels about all aspects of literary translation! Get your ticket (just $15 for the whole day!) at this link