Exchanges Literary Journal

Exchanges Literary Journal

Exchanges began in 1989–90, as a project of the Iowa Translation Workshop when I was director. The first issue was cyclostyled, the title being copied from Ulalume González de León’s short story “Intercambios,” translated by Stephanie Lovelady, a student in the Workshop. All texts were presented bilingually. The idea was a simple one: to provide a focus, giving workshop members a sense of working towards publication. Iowa, with its unique combination of Creative Writing Program, Literary Translation Program, and International Writing Program, seemed the ideal location for such a project. As editor of Modern Poetry in Translation, which with Ted Hughes I had founded in England, in 1965, I tended to see mall things in terms of magazine publication allway!--Daniel Weissbort

Genres published 

  • Poetry / Fiction / NonFiction / Drama / Graphic Lit

Writing styles published 

  • Experimental / Political / Contemporary / Classics / Scholarly / Erotica / Memoir / Travel Writing / LGBT

Languages published 

  • English

Source Languages 

  • Any
Publisher Details

Publication count: 




Accept unsolicited submissions: 


Permit online submissions: 


Permit simultaneous submissions: 


Reading Periods: 

Consult Guidelines


  • None

Publish reprints: 


Calls for Submissions: 

Changing Themes