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Poetry Andrea Moorhead L'oiseau rouge / The Red Bird
Lecture November 18, 3:00pm N/A, Arizona Ronald Puppo ONLINE Book Launch. One Day of Life is Life: Joan Maragall
Fiction Paula Gordon and Ellen Elias-Bursać Catherine the Great and the Small
Reading January 21, 12:00pm David McKay Foreign Affairs Theatre Translation Showcase 2021
Fiction Kate Northrop The Fire Blossom
Essay Cecilia Weddell Mérida, Yucatán
NonFiction Peter Sean Woltemade Monkeys and Horses
Fiction Kate Northrop Fires of Change
Poetry Claudia Routon Sky Chess
Panel January 26, 7:00pm New York, Massachusetts Michael Goldman Book Launch for The Copenhagen Trilogy |
Fiction Anne Milano Appel The Snow's Shadow
Award Hélène Cardona Life in Suspension/La Vie Suspendue wins 2020 Independent Press Award
Poetry Adam J. Sorkin and Petru Iamandi The God’s Orbit
NonFiction Peter Sean Woltemade The Last Dreamers: Fifty Years with Roskilde Festival
Drama Shelley Fairweather-Vega Sister of the Four
Poetry Adam J. Sorkin and Ioana Ieronim Lavinia and Her Daughters, A Carpathian Elegy
Lecture September 30, 7:00pm Amherst, Massachusetts A Conversation on the Film Un Traductor
Panel June 2, 1:30pm New York, New York Lawrence Schimel and Daniel Hahn Translating the Future: "Children’s Literature in Translation"
Poetry Adam J. Sorkin and 7 co-translators A Spider’s History of Love
Conference September 19, 10:30am Portland, Oregon Somrita Urni Ganguly "Translating Disability: Social Activism and Literary Translation" at the Oregon Society of Translators and Interpreters Conference 2020
Graphic Lit Lawrence Schimel Mi corazón se llena de alegría
Fiction Adria Frizzi Never Felt So Good
Panel September 29, 7:00pm Norwich, Somrita Urni Ganguly, Anton Hur, Jen Wei Ting, Gitanjali Patel in conversation with Daniel Hahn Who is this Mythical English Reader?
Graphic Lit Lawrence Schimel Tú eres tú
Essay Luis Guzmán Valerio Criticism and Policing: Contemporary Literary Thought in the Andean Region
Fiction Paulette Boudrot Boston My Blissful Winter, Memories of the 1980s
Lecture May 21, 7:00pm Delhi, Delhi Lawrence Schimel Children of Language: Translating for Readers Both Young and Old
Poetry Ronald Puppo One Day of Life is Life: Joan Maragall
Fiction Nita Tyndall The Scythe
Fiction Jordan Barger Autumn - A fragment