Don’t miss your chance for a week of creative writing and literary translation this summer! Taught by Elizabeth Lowe and Katherine Hedeen, the Kenyon Review Translator’s Voice polyglot workshop is a chance not to be missed. Rolling applications for the Kenyon Review’s Translator’s Voice polyglot summer workshop are open!
The week-long non-language-specific workshop offers an opportunity for aspiring and mid-career literary translators with a variety of professional backgrounds to couple their creative writing interests with their passion for working between languages. Writers focus on close reading and experimentation with language and style from a strong second language into English. The workshop is conducted seminar-style and activities focus on literary translation as a cross-cultural, creative endeavor, using theoretical readings and examples of works of master translators as guides.
The workshop is limited to 10 participants. Applicants are screened on a rolling basis and are required to submit a translation sample of 500 words of prose or three pages of poetry from their source language into English. This class is team taught by Elizabeth Lowe, professor of translation at New York University and founder of the Center for Translation Studies at the University of Illinois, and Katherine M. Hedeen, professor of Spanish and literary translation at Kenyon College.
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