New Spanish Books Announces Its 2020 Selection

New Spanish Books Announces Its 2020 Selection

A panel of experts from the US publishing world participating in the New Spanish Books program, aimed at promoting Spanish literature in the United States, has selected the best works from among 205 titles.

The New Spanish Books campaign seeks to bring each year the best works in Spanish to professionals in the publishing sector in different countries.

NSB had the pleasure of having the participation of six top-level professionals, experts in the US market. Together they formed a team with varied profiles, made by Andrea Montejo, Esther Allen, Javier Molea, Chad W. Post, Susan Harris, and Marta López-Luaces.

The 2020 edition had the participation of 205 titles, with the following finalists:

Title Author Publicher/Literary Agency
Algún día, Hoy (Someday, Today). Ángela Becerra Editorial Planeta S.A
Conciencia (Conciousness) Teresa Colom Edicions 62 S.A
Esta bruma insensata (This Foolish Haze). El Torres y Fran Galán Dibbuks S.L
Kingwood Antonio López Ortega Editorial Pre-Textos.
La Forastera (The Stranger) Olga Merino Agencia literaria Carmen Balcells
La Grieta (The Crack) Carlos Spottorno Astisendo grupo editorial S.L.
La Mitad de la noche (The Middle of the Night) Mayra Montero Tusquets Editores S.A.
La Moneda, 11 de Septiembre (La Moneda, September 11) Francisco Aguilera Drácena Ediciones S.L.
Las Batallas Silenciadas (Silenced Battles) Nieves Muñoz EDHASA
Lota, La Cachalota (Lota the Sperm Whale) Roser Rimbau y Rosa Sardina Takatuka S.L.  
Nacimientos Bestiales (Beastly Births) Aina Bestard Zahorí de Ideas S.L.
Pequeñas Mujeres Rojas (Little Red Women) Marta Sanz Anagrama S.A.
Seis Formas de Morir en Texas (Six Ways to Die in Texas) Marina Perezagua Casanovas & Lynch Literary Agency S.L.  
Sinfín (Unending) Martín Caparrós Casanovas & Lynch Literary Agency S.L.

Find out more on the New Spanish Books website.