Other Events

Other Events



Since 2020, ALTA's programming has expanded to include virtual events. We are proud to connect the literary translation community around the world! Below, please find information about our virtual event options (click the links to read more), as well as our archive of past event recordings.


Blue banner tht reads ALTA Summer Multilingual Translation Workshops, August 19-24, 2024

Multilingual translation workshops offer you an opportunity to meet in a small group with an established translator to discuss and receive feedback on a brief excerpt of work in your translation from any language into English. Participants need not all share the same source language(s), and you may submit texts translated from a language other than the one(s) your workshop leader is an expert in.

From emerging translators looking to workshop their first translation, to established translators looking for help on a tricky passage, these workshops are for everyone! Each workshop lasts 105 minutes in Zoom, and offers a collaborative experience between one workshop leader and 6 participants who circulate their work in advance.

Find details and singup information for the summer 2024 sessions here.

Read the World Social Media Bookfair

Logo for Read the World with ALTA

Read the World is anonline bookfair taking place annually in May over social media. The more each press and journal spreads the word by using the hashtag and the discount code, the more attention we can drive toward supporting publishers of literature in translation! Interested in participating? Please email Rachael Daum at rachaeldaum@literarytranslators.org with questions. 

Find 2024 participants here.

Editor-Translator Pitch Sessions

Available exclusively to ALTA members at no additional charge, Pitch Sessions with translation publishers are held twice annually: in May and September. This is your chance to share a project with an editor or publisher for possible publication! Pitch sessions are 8 minutes in length and are held via Zoom. 

Have you had a translation published thanks to an ALTA pitch session? We want to know about it! Please let us know by filling out this form. We look forward to sharing your success!

Find details about the 2024 sessions here.  

Write the World: A Day of Translation  

An advertisement for Write the World 2024 on May 21. The design is a neon sign board in pink.

A day of virtual panels about all aspects of literary translation, held annually in May. 

Find details about registration, attendance, and the 2024 program here (including access to the 2024 recordings).

Past Event Recordings

Stream some of our past programs, including all of our 2023 Write the World panels!

Event Recordings




ALTA attends the annual Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) conference as a bookfair exhibitor and participates as an official Literary Partner, providing programming that ensures literary translation is featured at AWP’s conferences. The AWP Conference & Bookfair is the annual destination for thousands of writers, teachers, students, editors, and publishers of contemporary creative writing. 

Learn more and get involved here.