ALTA39: Let’s Get Started!

ALTA39: Let’s Get Started!

ALTA is now accepting submissions for panels, workshops, awards, travel fellows, and more! The conference is ALTA39: Translation & Crossings, and will take place Thursday, October 6 through Sunday, October 9, 2016, in Oakland, CA.

The conference description:

The prefix “trans” reminds us that the concept of crossing is fixed at the heart of translation. Thinking about translation in this way—as a crossing, a kind of movement—suggests a rich intersection of questions about the nature of the translator’s work. Translation & Crossing asks us to think about physical crossings and migrations, the potential upheaval and labor that this physical movement implies, as well as the complex linguistic transfer that occurs in translation between languages and cultures. But translations can and often do cross much more abstracted terrain—what does it mean for a translation to traverse ideologies, time periods, forms, genders, artistic and intellectual boundaries of all kinds? What strategies, practices, and transgressions emerge in this process of moving across these more ambiguous divides? ALTA39 aims to create an inclusive venue for conversation about translation as a process of moving across, through, over, to the other side of, or beyond these categories and boundaries.

To submit panels, workshops, or roundtables, please visit this page and be sure to submit by April 8!


Bilingual Reading Series at ALTA39

The Bilingual Readings Series runs throughout the conference during the day, and occasionally at an off-site location or in the evening. Readers are organized into sessions during which each reader has 10 minutes to present their work. Readers are listed in the conference program, and participation in the Bilingual Readings Series is a significant and essential part of the conference programming. Readings are mostly of the translation in English, and are not expected or required to be multi-lingual.

To submit proposals for the Bilingual Reading Series, visit this page and be sure to submit by May 9! 


Awards Submissions

ALTA invites publishers and translators to nominate books published in 2015 for the 2016 National Translation Award in Poetry & Prose, the Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize, and the Italian Prose in Translation Award.

NTA in Poetry

The National Translation Award is awarded annually to a literary translator who has made an outstanding contribution to literature in English by masterfully recreating the artistic force of a book of consummate quality. The NTA is the longest-standing prize for a work of literary translation.

Judges: Adriana Jacobs, Karen Kovacik, and Cole Swensen

NTA in Prose

Judges: Karen Emmerich, Andrea Labinger, and Marian Schwartz

Stryk Prize

The Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize, which was inaugurated in 2009, recognizes the importance of Asian translation for international literature and promotes the translation of Asian works into English. Stryk was an internationally acclaimed translator of Japanese and Chinese Zen poetry, renowned Zen poet himself, and former professor of English at Northern Illinois University.

Judges: Steve Bradbury, Eleanor Goodman, and Kendall Heitzmann


The Italian Prose in Translation Award (IPTA), inaugurated in 2015, recognizes the importance of contemporary Italian prose (fiction and literary non-fiction) and promotes the translation of Italian works into English. This $5000 prize is awarded annually to a translator of a recent work of Italian prose (fiction or literary non-fiction).

Judges: Michael Moore, Jamie Richards, and Russell Valentino

To submit nominations for one or more of the awards, please visit this page and be sure to submit by April 8! 


ALTA Travel Fellows Applications

Each year, between four and six $1,000 fellowships are awarded to emerging (unpublished or minimally published) translators to help them pay for hotel and travel expenses to the annual ALTA conference. At the conference, ALTA Fellows are invited to read their translated work at a keynote event, giving them an opportunity to present their translations to an audience of translators, authors, editors, and publishers from around the world.

To submit an application to the ALTA Travel Fellows, be sure to visit this page and submit by April 8! 


To find out more, visit the ALTA website, the conference Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter!