

Leg over Leg
By Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq (Lebanon)

Translated from the Arabic by Humphrey Davies
(Library of Arabic Literature/NYU Press)

Adventures in Immediate Irreality
By Max Blecher
Translated from the Romanian by Michael Henry Heim
(New Directions)

White Blight
By Athena Farrokhzad (Sweden)

Translated from the Swedish by Jennifer Hayashida
(Argos Books)

This Blue Novel
By Valerie Mejer Caso (Mexico)

Translated from the Spanish by Michelle Gil-Montero
(Action Books)

The Black Flower and Other Zapotec Poems
by Natalia Toledo

translated from from the Isthmus Zapotec and Spanish by Clare Sullivan
(Phoneme Media)

Selected Poems from Les Fleurs du Mal
by Charles Baudelaire
translated from the French by Jan Owen
(Arc Publications)

Rilke Shake
by Angélica Freitas
translated from the Portuguese by Hilary Kaplan
(Phoneme Media)

by Frédéric Forte
translated from the French by Daniel Levin Becker, Ian Monk, Michelle Noteboom, and Jean-Jacques Poucel
(Burning Deck)

I Burned at the Feast
by Arseny Tarkovsky
translated from the Russian by Philip Metres and Dimitri Psurtsev
(Cleveland State University Poetry Center)

Blackbirds in September: Selected Shorter Poems
by  Jürgen Becker
translated from the German by Okla Elliot
(Black Lawrence Press)
